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The coronavirus has impacted our community in significant ways - high schoolers have sacrificed interim, cultural convention, and several other events/projects - but it's important to keep things in perspective. Please remember that while yes, this virus is impacting us, it is impacting others in the world far far far more severely. It's easy to see infection and death numbers rise in the news and forget that each one represents a person. We must do everything we can to guard our sense of empathy for the city of Wuhan, all of China and everyone else impacted around the world.



The Singapore Red Cross

Singapore, 4 February 2020 - The Singapore Red Cross (SRC) will launch a public appeal to deliver assistance and support communities in China, affected or at risk of being affected by the novel coronavirus outbreak. SRC welcomes the seed money which will be contributed by the Singapore Government towards this public appeal.

Later today, a two-man team from Singapore Red Cross (SRC) will be going to the Asia Pacific Office of the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), which is coordinating the Red Cross Movement response to the coronavirus outbreak, to discuss broad strategies and the areas of possible SRC support. Another person will be deployed to the IFRC Office in Kuala Lumpur, for the next few weeks, to support the response efforts of the Movement.

Meanwhile in Singapore, the SRC has been engaging communities, online and offline, to promote behaviours that reduce the risk of contracting or transmitting the virus, and to facilitate community understanding and acceptance of infection prevention and control measures. SRC volunteers are providing advice to beneficiaries, especially vulnerable elderly persons, to help to prevent misinformation, rumours and panic. SRC has also posted informative prevention messages on social media.


All proceeds support the Singapore Red Cross and their efforts supporting hospitals in Wuhan.

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